Clay Oven Movie(s) of the Month

This month we’re going to tell you about a few upcoming movies.  There are some obvious classics such as Toy Story 3 – why not go to a matinee and pop in for a curry afterwards?

Perhaps more excitingly for anyone of a certain age are the two remakes coming out late in July.  The Saturday teatime classic of The A-Team is finally getting a film release (many a child’s fantasty back in the 1980s) as well as the classic, The Karate Kid, getting relaunched with Jackie Chan as the mystery master.

Whilst, there will be many more things being shown at the Dominion this month – we reckon that these three are the perfect night out films – whether for a family trip or just secretly on your own!

Just remember which Indian restaurant to pop in and pick up a curry banquet on your way home so you can discuss whether the movie was as good as you remember from your childhood!